Une bosse dans le cœur / A BUMP IN THE HEART

France, Belgium 2022 — Directed by: Noé Reutenauer — 62 min — Spoken language: French — Subtitles: English — Production Companies: Helicotronc, Les Films de la Pépinière — Producers: Julie Esparbes, Raphaèle Dumas

My friend Kirill Patou, thirty-five years old, is looking for a soul mate but can't find one. To find the ideal romance, Kirill escapes into an imaginary life. Through his drawings, he becomes a valiant knight who declares his love for the princesses of his dreams. A confident rapper, in his bedroom, in front of his hordes of amorous fans. But Kirill has Down's syndrome, and reality always brings him back to his difference. As we talk, I accompany my friend on his quest friend on his quest for love and ideals, despite his "bump in the heart".

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